Mission Statement
The mission of the Vernon Electric Operation Round Up Trust is the accumulation and disbursement of funds for charitable purposes in Vernon Electric’s service area. This shall be accomplished by disbursement of funds to individuals and organizations for food, shelter, clothing, health needs, education and community oriented projects.
How it Works
Through this program you can volunteer to have your electric bill “rounded up” to the nearest dollar and have that change donated to the Operation Round Up Trust Fund. For example, if your electric bill was $90.51, we would round it up to $91.00 and put $0.49 in the TrustFund. On average, you would be donating about $6.00 per year if you participated. Vernon Electric Co-op has about 10,000 members. By doing the math you can see that if everyone participated we could do tremendous things and make this an even better place to live than it already is.
A 10-member, volunteer board representing all areas of our service territory administers the Trust Fund. The Board meets on a quarterly basis to go through applications and decides who will get money and how much. The Board’s decisions based on the quality of the application, the applicant's need, and how much money is in the fund. Money from Operation Round Up can not only be used to help pay medical expenses to needy families, but it can also be used to help buy equipment for volunteer fire departments, playground equipment, construction or repair costs for buildings and homes, youth programs and much, much more.
One of the best reasons to sign up is that all the money stays local. Who knows, you may even be helping yourself. All you need to do to participate in the program is to check off the Operation Round Up box on your electric bill, or send us an e-mail (info@vernonelectric.org) indicating your wish to join the program (be sure to include your account number). Once you’ve signed up you may opt out of the program at any time.
Disbursements annually to individuals are limited to $500 and $1,000 to organizations. These limits may be increased by a two-thirds vote of the entire Board of Directors. This statement may be modified from time to time by a two-thirds vote of the entire Board of Directors.
Funds may not be used for:
political activities
fundraising activities
church functions
school field trips
capital funds (i.e. maintenance building, shed, etc.)
athletic teams
national fund drives
feasibility studies
electric bills
Completed application can be e-mailed to dmaxwell@vernonelectric.org or sent to Vernon Electric Cooperative, 110 Saugstad Rd., Westby, WI 54667
Past Recipients
VISIONS (Visually Impaired Serving & Inspiring Others Needing Support)
Bethel Buttikk Food Pantry
Vernon County Crimestoppers
Westby Emergency Medical Service
Family & Children's Center
Valley Stuardship Network
Vernon County Toys for Tots
Cashton Cupboard & Closet Food Pantry
Couleecap's homeless prevention programs